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Trevor Philips Enterprises

Is also known as Trevor Philips Enterprise, Trevor Philips Industries, Trevor Philips Corporation, TPI Conglomerate, TP Conglomerate, and TP Inc.)


As you can conclude from the name, the business is owned by Trevor.


Trevor: Sandy Shores is the global headquarters for TP inc., okay? so we gotta make the trip.


Franklin: TP Ink?

Trevor: Trevor Philips Industries -my company


Michael: Industries or incorporated? if it's TP Inc., it'd be Trevor Philips incorporated. Just sayin'


Trevor: You're mocking me! nice, is it so strange that i've made a succes of my life? I know that wasn't what you wanted for me when you ran off, but still... It's a business! An honest American business, and there aren't many of them left.


Hey you know this airstrip we're going to? We're managing it.

TP Ink contains the ''Ice liquor'' methlab, and the McKenzie airfield. TP Ink also owns a chopper.

You could also think, that Vanilla Unicorn is a part of TP Ink.

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