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Not enough mes

To the point of ''Trevorism''...

You have to remember, that in this site, we do NOT consider Trevors callabilism and murdering a good thing, or courage people to do so.

But even as they are bad things, they are also the things, that make him so Truhtfull.


In this minisite, you can find some dialogs, between charecters, where you find Trevors philosophy.

Remeber also, that sometimes, you have to be able to read between the lines. :)

Trevor: I cannot believe this! the hard working entrepreneur is getting shit from a guy so lazy he retired on his thirties - and then from a other guy whose sense of entitlement is so storng he asks: ''How far we have to travel?'', when he's offered a job he ain't even qualified to do! This is why the country is screwed! There's not enough mes, there's too many yous!
Michael: Yeah! A country full of yous, that's just what the world needs
Trevor: Shit would get done. It would be Darwinian

Trevor: I've been told your generation are workshy -repeatedly, but this is the first time i've seen it for myself. You won't leave the city for the biggest take of your life? You think the world owes you a living? You want money and respect, but you won't cross the street to get it?

Trevor: Normal rules don't apply to us Floyd, we're going in.
Floyd: I dunno. Rules applied to me my whole life. I like rules
Trevor: And look at you. You're a failor. You're in loveless relationship...
Floyd: What do you mean? Loveless? I loove Debra.
Trevor: If she looved you, she would be here wouldn't she? But she's not.
Floyd: You know im insecure...
Trevor: You got a dead-end job...
Floyd: What? Dead end? No.
Trevor: Floyd! it's dead-end
Floyd: Being a unionized longshoreman's one of the best paying jobs in the country, you tell people round laguertaa that's what you do, they lable it rob you. They're so jealous
Trevor: No ones jealous of you Floyd, they pity you. You're abused by that woman, you are abused by these slavedrivers, I mean i've never worked so hard in my life.
Floyd: Its not so bad, i've been doing this for ten years, usually with less of the criminality stuff...
Trevor: You're waisting your life Floyd. It's lucky we turned up when we did.

Trevor: Here darling, why don't you.. go buy yourself something nice, okay?
Denise: Thank you... This is seven dollars?
Trevor: i said something nice, not expensive. You wanna be a greedy fucking cow, huh?

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